3 factors to increase comfort with uncertainty
Uncertainty is a given in your business. There are forces you cannot control that impact how your business moves forward. As you face uncertainty in your business, your plan, core strengths and values, and flexibility will enhance your ability to achieve your goals.
Are you taking steps to keep cash king?
Every business owner knows that money needs to flow into the bank account to maintain the business. The key is to prioritize activities that keep the cash flowing. Cash is king. What are you doing to orchestrate things behind the scenes to keep things moving in the right direction?
To-do lists that drive success
The to-do list is a must have for every business owner. Whatever method you use for maintaining your to-do list, it is important that you triage the activities to move from crossing off as many items as possible to selecting the items with the greatest impact.
Simplify your budget; simplify your time
Reviewing your budget for services and tools and determining if each is a good use of money, energy and time is a great first step in simplifying your budget and your time.
What are you trying to accomplish by returning to in-person?
With extensive media coverage on the return-to-office movement, it is easier to assume that everyone is going to back to in-person work. Before you jump on that train, ask yourself what you would be trying to accomplish by changing your workplace structure.
2 elements your business needs rock solid
As you prepare for growth, scaling, or even selling your business, it is critical to have a solid foundation for the business to move forward on. While there are many elements to a strong business foundation, there are two that need to be in place for every business.
3 ways having a plan will help you run your business
Are you a super planner or an anti-planner. Regardless of where you fall on the planning continuum, having a plan to guide you in running your business has many benefits.
Tips to keep moving forward when faced with uncertainty
Do you have an optimistic outlook for the year or has the uncertainty caused you to stop in your tracks. Even in a period of uncertainty, it is important to keep moving forward. Use these tips to ensure you are making forward progress this year.
What would it take to double your revenue?
If someone asked you what it would take to double your revenue, would you have an answer? The question was posed to me and it caught me off-guard. I’ve pulled together key questions to ask as you build your plan to achieve significant growth.
Don’t let your business growth kill you
Some say if your business is not growing, it’s dying. But growth can also kill a business owner. You didn’t go into business to lose the life you were living or hurt your health. There are steps you can take to move your business in a direction that will be personally sustainable.
Find your “You are here!” sticker
To fully understand where you need to go, you first need to know where you are. Identify where you are on your roadmap and you’ll be better positioned to efficiently achieve your objectives. And that could lead to an opportunity for delicious cookies.