Is automation the answer?
Businesses today are looking for opportunities to automate their operational activities. Automation has the power to free up time to do higher impact work for the business. In addition to asking if a process can be automated, it is important to also ask if automation is the answer.
Are your team members aligned with the current needs of your business?
Business needs change over time and often we ask more from team members because they are already on the team, not because they are capable. It is important, as an owner, to monitor the capabilities of your team and ensure that their skills, abilities, and motivation align with the needs of your business.
Use simple math to make your big goals attainable
Business owners like to set big goals that align with the vision they have for the company. While the big goals can be motivating, sometimes they feel so far off they can be demoralizing. Do not let big goals diminish your drive. Use simple math to figure out a bite size data point that you can monitor, track, and feel good about your progress towards your larger goal.
Can your business run without you?
Many owners put off vacations or stay connected to work while away thinking the business cannot run without their involvement every day. Unfortunately, we will all experience unexpected emergencies that force us to step away for a period. Doing the prep work now will help your business continue moving forward when you cannot be present.
3 factors to increase comfort with uncertainty
Uncertainty is a given in your business. There are forces you cannot control that impact how your business moves forward. As you face uncertainty in your business, your plan, core strengths and values, and flexibility will enhance your ability to achieve your goals.
How have your expenses made your business money?
We all know it takes money to make money. Yet business owners are intense about watching expenses and not adding anything new that is not necessary or does not have a clear impact on the revenue of the business. In doing so, many opportunities for efficiency and revenue are overlooked. It is time to look at expenses as an opportunity to grow and strengthen your business.
Are you drowning IN your business?
Business owners know what they need to do to work ON their business. Yet many find themselves drowning IN their business. Find symptoms and ideas for how to pull your head up, look around and work on your business.
Are you spending time ON your business?
Your days are busy. Are those activities the ones moving your business forward? Or are they simply tasks that need executing. Spending time on your business allows you to see where things are going, get creative about how you are going to build your business and move you closer to your vision.
Rising Tides Business Podcast
Take a listen to the engaging conversation about building personally sustainable success on the Rising Tides Business podcast.
How process can improve your capacity
Implementing processes is one way to increase the capacity of yourself and your team. Documenting processes and coordinating with your team on who takes on different steps can provide more space to move work forward. There are three ways process can improve your capacity.
4 Steps to assess your team’s capacity
As a business owner, you know that understanding your team’s capacity, planning service delivery around that, and being open with your team about capacity expectations, will help you to be prepared for changes in client and team member availability and needs. Determining the capacity for each team member is not always straightforward. Assess each team member now to be better equipped going forward.
Do you know your current capacity?
As a business owner, do you know your capacity? Knowing how much you have available in a typical week to service your clients, while still running your business, will ensure you can build your business without burning yourself out.
Steps to help year end be the most wonderful time of the year
Year end is a busy time of the year. Year end, according to the classic song, is “The most wonderful time of the year.” Even with all the stress, we can take steps to help make it a more pleasant time of the year. A little thought, preparation, and notes can ensure that next time you will know what to do to enjoy the season.
Are you taking steps to keep cash king?
Every business owner knows that money needs to flow into the bank account to maintain the business. The key is to prioritize activities that keep the cash flowing. Cash is king. What are you doing to orchestrate things behind the scenes to keep things moving in the right direction?
To-do lists that drive success
The to-do list is a must have for every business owner. Whatever method you use for maintaining your to-do list, it is important that you triage the activities to move from crossing off as many items as possible to selecting the items with the greatest impact.
Simplify your budget; simplify your time
Reviewing your budget for services and tools and determining if each is a good use of money, energy and time is a great first step in simplifying your budget and your time.
Details today lead to easier decisions later
Many business owners are not detail oriented. Yet details and data can have a significant impact on your business. Taking steps today to track details will allow you to grow your business.
Make your routine work for you
Having a routine each morning is an effective way to get ready for work with minimal hiccups. Having a routine that works for you and your lifestyle will make you even more prepared for the day and to drive towards success. The key is to make your routine work for you.
What are you trying to accomplish by returning to in-person?
With extensive media coverage on the return-to-office movement, it is easier to assume that everyone is going to back to in-person work. Before you jump on that train, ask yourself what you would be trying to accomplish by changing your workplace structure.
2 elements your business needs rock solid
As you prepare for growth, scaling, or even selling your business, it is critical to have a solid foundation for the business to move forward on. While there are many elements to a strong business foundation, there are two that need to be in place for every business.