Your past may be what you need now
On my honeymoon many years ago, I tried olives and loved them. I had not been an olive person up to this point and truthfully that may because I was not frequently in a position to try them. Then I was enjoying an afternoon coffee in an amazing hotel in the south of France, and they provided us little plates of chocolates, nuts, and olives. It was my honeymoon, the start of a new chapter and the perfect time to try something to see if my preference had changed. I am now an olive person.
We all have foods we do not prefer. Some preferences date back to childhood, and some are a more recent preference change. Whether it is the taste, the texture, smell or even an associated memory, we have chosen to not like a food. Preferences change all the time and that includes with foods. I tried the olives and found as an adult I thoroughly enjoy eating olives. I continue to try tomatoes from time to time and still I am not a fan of them raw. It is a texture thing. But I try them because I know my palate is evolving all the time.
The same theory of evolving preferences can be applied to business owners. As we build our businesses, we try different things. We implement structures, processes, and technology and try new products and services. Some things we love, others we do not prefer. Some things easily stick and become a core part of the business. Others may be a struggle to sustain or get jettisoned because the value is not there.
“As you evaluate your options, do not ignore what you tried previously. Use that as a launching off point to evaluate your needs.”
As we start the new year, many of us will establish goals and plans for our businesses that might require new processes, technology, or services. As you evaluate your options, do not ignore what you tried previously. Use that as a launching off point to evaluate your needs. Assess why last time it did not work the way you had hoped or intended. It is possible that things have changed in your business making that resource the perfect option.
A common new year’s business resolution is around the rhythm of business. Many business owners want to establish a cadence that allows them and everyone on the team to be moving in the same direction. If you tried implementing a structure previously to support this need and it did not work, perhaps this time will be different. You have a new resolve to keep the routine and a greater appreciation for how a strong rhythm of business can allow you to do more with your business.
Your business is a dynamic entity. Things are constantly changing for you and how you do business. You grow as a professional with each passing year. Your preferences are continually changing. Whether that means enjoying olives late in life or shifting how you operate your business, you are well-equipped to give previously explored structures or processes another chance.